Configuring the Teigha DGN rendering module options

The Teigha DGN rendering module options specify which drawing layouts to render, how they are rendered, and to which format in the destination system.

To configure the Teigha DGN rendering options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Data Exchange group, click Rendering Profiles. The All Rendering Profiles page appears and lists the existing profiles grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they are assigned.

  2. Double-click the rendering profile that you want to configure. The Teigha DGN rendering options pages appear.
  3. On the GENERAL page, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Teigha rendering module general options
Option Description


The name of the rendering profile as seen in Administration Console.


The name of the Meridian Enterprise Server computer (cluster node) on which to run this job.

Input extensions

The quantity of source file extensions to be rendered by this module.

To select extensions:

  1. Click Configure. The INPUT EXTENSIONS dialog box appears and lists the supported file extensions.
  2. Select the file extensions that you want to be rendered.
  3. Click OK. The quantity is refreshed to reflect your selections.
  1. On the OUTPUT page, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Teigha DGN rendering output options
Option Description


Update title blocks before rendering

If enabled, the title blocks in the document will be updated from the document properties before the document is rendered. If disabled, the update is skipped.

Use job advanced rendering settings

Select this option if the page size and orientation are stored as property values for the source documents and the corresponding options are selected as described in Configuring rendering options. If those options are not selected, select default values from Paper size and Orientation.

Xref paths

Comma-delimited list of locations to search for external reference files. Locations may be specified as filenames (linked by Meridian Enterprise references), paths relative to the parent document, or absolute paths to shared network folders.

External references are resolved in the following order:

  • Absolute path, if specified
  • File name (Meridian Enterprise reference or relative path)
  • Locations specified by this setting

Note    If an external reference resides both in the vault and in a location outside the vault, the external location will take precedence. MicroStation logical variables are not supported.


Page size

Select a page size for the output from the list.


Select a page orientation option.


Select an option from the list to indicate the color depth of the rendition.

Layouts to export

Select an option for the layouts to include in the output.


Pen table

Name of a pen table file (without the .tbl extension) that specifies the pen styles to use for rendering. The rendering module will search for the pen table file in the folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Enterprise Server\Teigha.NET. If the file cannot be found, the drawing will be rendered without the pan table.

Data fields

Include the data fields in the output file.

Text nodes

Include the text nodes in the output file.

Line weights

Render line weights in the output file.

Embedded fonts

Embed the fonts that are used by the rendition in the output file so that they can be shown on systems where they are not installed.

TrueType as geometry

Render text that is drawn with TrueType fonts using polylines.

Note    If this option is enabled, the text in PDF renditions can only be searched with the Advanced Find command in Adobe Reader.

SHX text as geometry

Render text that is drawn with SHX fonts using polylines.

  • By default, this rendering module will search for SHX fonts in the folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Enterprise Server\Teigha.NET. If a font file cannot be found, the text will be drawn using polylines.

  • If this option is enabled, the text in PDF renditions can only be searched with the Advanced Find command in Adobe Reader.

Enable simple geometry optimization

Use a rendering algorithm that optimizes simple geometry such as line segments into more complex entities such as polylines in the output. This option reduces performance slightly but produces smaller files.

Encoded (reduce file size)

Compresses images in the output file to save space.
  1. In the app bar, click SAVE.

Related concepts

Understanding the Teigha DGN rendering module